Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to Write Character Analysis Essay

The process of writing a character analysis paper requires you to be aware of the subject that you are addressing. In most of the cases, a character analysis paper is based on a given literary work. Often, such a paper focuses on establishing the writer’s intention when writing a given piece of work. Are you wondering what a character analysis? Are you wondering how to write such an essay? It is a piece of paper that addresses the theme in any given paper by revealing the character in the form of a plot, narrative, and dialogue. As a literary analyst, your work is to examine each character’s role as far as a given piece of work is concerned. Often, the most important character that you should consider analyzing is the protagonist of the given work of art. Do you need help with character analysis essays? Let us know the details of your essay by contacting us using the subject, write my character analysis essay. We will offer you a high quality essay according to your specification. However, should you wish to write the essay all by yourself, you should read this guideline up to the end. In this article, we provide reliable tips on how to write character analysis essay. Getting Started The starting point for your essay about a character, just like in any other piece of writing is to establish the topic that you will address. However, unlike other types of essays, in this case you will only be required to identify the character that you are going to analyze.   Have you been given a piece of work to choose a character from, or are you required to identify your own character in any given piece of work? These questions will help you to get started in the preparation on the essay to write as far as the character to analyze is concerned. Choose an Appropriate Character Choosing the character to base your essay on is one of the most important steps in any character analysis paper. While in such cases the character might be assigned to you, there are other instances where you have to choose it yourself. The right character to analyze should be one that has a major role in the development of any piece. This is attributable to the fact that such characters have plenty of information that you can use to develop your essay. There are other characters in any work that are considered to be one dimensional. Such characters appear flat and are not good for any character analysis paper. Read the story with your character in mind Have you identified your preferred character? The next step is to read the provided work. In this step, you should focus on establishing the role of the chosen character in the development of the assigned work. For this reason, put in mind the character that you have chosen and read the piece of writing once more. This approach ensures that you familiarize yourself with the work itself, as well as your chosen character’s role in the given work. While reading, establish the description that the writer gives your character, as such aspects will help you to fully understand the role of the chosen character in your work. Are there other characters in the work that you are analyzing? How do they relate with your chosen character? These questions are paramount in ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the person that you have chosen to address as well as the work itself in general. Think about the role of the chosen character in the plot development. Does he or she engage in any actions that are significant to the development of the work’s plot? If yes, identify the character’s role alongside the impact such roles have as far as moving the plot forward is concerned. Next, observe for any traits that your character has that have a significant impact on the plot. For example, you might look for the character’s weak points as well as strong points depending on the context of the subject that you are addressing. Are there any challenges that the character encounters and how does he or she overcome them? Ensure that you also relate the implications of having certain traits and their efficiency in the given work. Take Notes It is important to understand the context of the work that you are analyzing. For this reason, reading the work, say a book or an article, a number of times will help you to gain the necessary knowledge about the characters in the work, as well as gather information that you might need for your analysis paper. Therefore, take short notes while reading. This approach will ensure that you have a number of ideas to rely to when it comes to the actual writing process. Since you have already identified the character that you will be analyzing, your main focus should be on the actions, traits, and the role of this character in the context of the assigned work. As such, your notes making session should incline to your character of choice. However, you should avoid duplicating the assigned work; your notes should be short and clear, and only for reference purposes. Choose idea Now that you have a clear picture of what the assigned work involves, as well as who your character is, you need to come up with the idea that you will be presenting to your audience regarding the chosen character and his or her role in the particular work. In the identification of the idea that you will address, make use of your notes that you have gathered during the reading process. Is there an idea that can be obtained from the notes that you have taken? How do the notes relate? These questions should help you come up with a main idea that aligns with the notes you have taken from the reading. In this cases, focus on the actions of the character, his or her motivations and role in the given work, and how such aspects contribute to the story line. In addition, the character’s traits such as strengths over certain challenges can be used to create a strong thesis statement. You need to remember that the idea that you adopt in this section will be used throughout the entire essay. For this reason, you need to take your time to think about the assigned work and the chosen character and make a comparison on how important the character is to the story line. Make an Outline Having an outline when writing character analysis paper will save you a lot of struggle and time as far as addressing the major elements of your essay is concerned. For this reason, you need to identify the major elements that define your character as well as those that have a close relationship between the character and the story line. These elements can be used in the creation of the outline, since they have significant impact on the assigned work. As you think of the elements to cover in the outline, you should remember that you will use the outline as   a mirror to your entire essay. Therefore, make a list of the main subtopics followed by supporting ideas from the work that you have been assigned. Here is a sample outline that you can develop: Introduction Hook Thesis statement General information about your character Body Paragraph 1: trait 1 Paragraph 2: trait 2 Paragraph 3: trait 3 Conclusion Thesis restatement Summary of main points Call to action Introduction The introduction part of your character analysis paper is very important. Provide a general overview of the subject and character that you are analyzing. This approach is aimed at ensuring that your readers are aware of the subject of the essay. Your thesis statement and hook should be here; capture the attention of your readers by having a catchy introduction. Remember that the desire to read the rest of the paper is determined by the kind of introduction that you have. However, make sure that you have provided enough information in a precise and clear manner such that you do not leave your readers with questions. Body Here, you are required to be more specific as your readers need to get the full details of your analysis. You can start with a review of the character’s background to ensure that your readers have clear information and understand the kind of character that you are analyzing. Next, look at other traits such as the physical appearance, personality, language, and relationships, and address them comprehensively. While writing the body of your essay, you need to use your outline and the notes that you prepared while reading the assigned work. The suitable approach that you can adopt in this case is to discuss every single character trait and its significance in a single paragraph. Conclusion and Editing Summarize your main points. After you have completed writing your essay, go through it once more to correct any errors that you might have made.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Cost Of A Gallon Of Gas Prices - 1626 Words

In January 2016, the cost of a gallon of gas dropped below two dollars, and consumers were rejoicing. Driving that car with twelve miles to the gallon car wasn’t so bad. Going to the grocery store was a little cheaper because of the transportation costs of goods. Americans could afford a like extra and never wonder about why the gas dropped. We were still hurting from three dollars or more for a gallon. Companies in the United States started drilling for oil on American soil in larger quantities than before two years earlier in 2014. Jobs in the industry were aplenty. Young adults straight out of high school could go into training for a year and come out making six figures by they were twenty-five. The amount of oil produced was†¦show more content†¦Oil towns started dying when the restaurants and stores have no more customers, because there was no money. This could start a â€Å"domino effect† and cause an economic meltdown in states like Texas, New M exico, and North Dakota (Egan). This event was caused by the U.S.’s dependence on imported foreign oil, because when the U.S. imports more than half of the oil it uses on a daily basis, someone else has the control over the economy. Energy dependence is not a new problem but one that started in 1973 after the oil embargo. It was caused by the Arabian government cutting off the oil and gas supply as a protest against the U.S. support for the Israel in the war between Egypt and Syria (Myre). President Richard Nixon gave a speech claiming his plan called â€Å"Project Independence† could produce enough energy needed in America and stop importing oil and gas by 1980. Then in 1975, President Gerald Ford had a similar plan with a deadline of 1985, and this was the cycle that lasted eight presidents so far. The deadline has now been moved up to 2025, but now, the U.S. is in a hole more than ever before. In the 1970s, imports only accounted for about 30% of all oil cons umed. In 2010, imports account for 60% to 70% of all oil consumed. This problem has accelerated almost to the point of no return (Gottesdiener). The idea of energy independence is that the U.S. would not import any oil or gas from outside counties and produce all energy needs inside the U.S.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Relationships Between Parents And Children - 1584 Words

Relationships between parents and children has a big impact on the children’s life, and how they tend to grow up. Digging by Seamus Heaney talks about how fathers are teaching their sons about life, which is all about working. Teaching your child about the important parts of life is great at a young age because they need to adapt to it. The relationships that are built depend on the type of person the parent is and the child themselves, which would be the case in My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke and Digging by Seamus Heaney. Heaney wants the reader to understand that the boy wants to eventually be as good as his father and grandfather, but not in the career path they chose for their loves but for the career he wants. As for Roethke’s character he talks about despite the way his father is he has some type of relationship with him, and will always love him. These two poem’s both fall in the same category, meaning that the children both want a good type of relationship with their fathers, and admire them for who they are. At the end of the day every child should admire their parent no matter what because they are their supporters and are here because of them. We all have different relationships whether they are good or bad, but having one with you children is very important and it matters to them. In the poem My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke, explains a lot how this little boy tries to admire the relationship he has with his father even if it is a bad one. As you readShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Parents And Children924 Words   |  4 PagesWhen a person finds out it is their turn to be a parent, the first thing that comes to mind is not going to be, â€Å"what style of parent should be utilized in this situation?† They are more worried about the child being healthy, which parent it will look like, and what will they name it? 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Research Methodology for Multinational- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Research Methodology for Multinational firms. Answer: I have learned how the global teams are effectively engaged in the multinational corporations and they increase the efficiency of the organization. There are different experts who are involved in this multinational firms and they manage different the organization. I have also seen that these teams are engaged in taking important decisions in the organization. These teams communicate through different modes of digital communication processes. These learning experience which help me in my future to work in co-ordination with the team members. It will help me to unite with other group members and work in co-ordination with them. It has also helped me to understand and analyze critically the different challenges which are faced by an individual while working in a team. This paper will also help me in my future career. I will get the opportunity to develop the skills in choosing my team members. I can choose or appoint such employees who are proficient and can work for the development of the company. It will also be easier for me to communicate and understand the problems of my team members. It will also enhance my communication skill. This will also help me to develop my leadership skill. The value of this learning experience is that it will help me to become a successful leader. It will also help to identify the challenges which are faced by different organizations (De Massis and Kotlar 2014). This learning process will help me to identify the challenges which are faced by organizations and find out alternative ways to mitigate them. It will also help in analyzing the skills which are faced by different organizations. It has also helped me to understand how the global leaders manage the team. This will help in me in my future to be a successful leader and it will be easier for me to manage the teams. As a leader it is necessary for me to understand the benefits which will be derived by the company when employees of different skills are appointed. This learning experience will also teach me how a leader needs to be fair in judging his or her employees. I had also learned how to be a keen listener and observer. It is my responsibility as a leader to understand the needs of the employees and motivate them to work for the development of the company (Bryman and Bell 2015.). This learning insight will also help me in applying my knowledge in various prospects. I can be a good te am leader and can thus manage and handle my team. I can effectively communicate with my co-workers and employees. As miscommunication and misunderstanding are the key factors which hinder the working of an organization, I can effectively work on these areas and thus make the organization successful. I must try to be emotionally attached with my team members so that they feel secured and are willing to contribute for the development of my company (Mellor 2015.). In the entire learning process, I have found the challenges which are faced by the teams in a global organization. The problems which are faced by the team leaders in critical times are also highlighted in the paper. It is necessary to choose geographically dispersed workers so that a company can be successful in a short time nada lo gain brand recognition. I have also seen that it becomes risky to share the information of a company with its competitors. Moreover, it is also necessary to understand the intentions and emotions of the fellow team members in an organization. There must be mutual understanding and co-operation among the team members. The leaders must also conduct meetings so that the employees can share their problems and thus they can work for the development of the company. The leaders must also direct the team members in a proper direction. The organization can only be successful if both the leaders and the employees are supportive (Meyer and Peng 2016). I have also f ound that technological challenges also hinder the organization. The employees must stay connected with each other if there is no face-to-face interaction among them. They must try to stay connected through video conferencing or other modes of online communication. Proper communication between the employees, management and the customers are necessary for an effective functioning of an organization. The leaders must also try to manage the headquarters as well as the subsidiary branches of the organization effectively and thus be able to take proper decisions (Collis and Hussey 2013). Business Research has helped me to analyze the secondary market and obtain information about the global teams which are involved in different businesses. This business research has also helped me in carrying out extensive research methods which will help a business to improve and grow in the long run. It has also helped me to understand the key factors which area associated with consumer satisfaction and carry out in-depth analysis about the customers likes and dislikes. Further, it will also help me when I will take the charge of team leaders in any particular company (Hair 2015). It will help me to track the consumer experiences in relation to a particular product or service. It has also helped me to understand the challenges which are faced by global teams of different organizations. Moreover, research has also helped me in analyzing the business data. It is important for managers to understand the shortcomings and errors that are likely to occur in any business. The managers must also know how to use it and become aware of the various shortcomings. I have also learned how the managers or the leaders manages the team and tries to maximize the development of the company (Wilson 2014). I have learned at the initial stage how the global teams work in co-ordination in a multinational organization. This also increases the efficiency of the workers when they work in a team. Proper communication and guidance also fosters their working capacity. I have also learned that the global teams can also communicate through various modes of digital communication and thus they can stay connected to each other. It also saves the cost of travelling and other expenses which are to be borne by the company. In order to assist the teams which are operating in dispersed places at different locations, proper communication plays a vital role. Moreover, there are various challenges which are to be faced by the organization. It is necessary to overcome the challenges (Sahay and Sarkar 2015). There are various companies which are operating in different parts of the world and also in certain remote areas. It is necessary that the teams are present in different areas so that they can reach out to the customers and also assist them in their work. The employees which are appointed in the remote areas must have proper efficiency so that they can assist the customers. It is necessary to appoint the employees of diverse culture so that they can assist the employees. I have also learned that though it becomes difficult for a manager to handle all the employees in an organization with different skills and expertise. It is essential for the managers to have skills and knowledge so that they can train the employees accordingly. It is also essential that the leaders must be sanguine about the team members and thus work for the development of the company. The working environment also gets enriched if different team members implement their ideas and thus this motivates the employees. The leaders must also check that they work in co-ordination with the employees and they must also implement certain ideas which will benefit the employees. They must be fair towards the employees and thu s this will help in the overall development of the organization (Rana et al.2015). This learning will help me in my future to be a successful leader or a manager of any organization. I can effectively manage the teams on a global level and can effectively communicate with them. This will also help me in my future career to improve my communication with my team members. This learning will also help me in my course. It has helped me to learn about the different prospects in an organization. It has also helped me in analyzing and identifying the challenges which are faced by every organization. This will help me in finding out suitable remedies for the problems in the organization. It will also help me to maintain a balance between different cultures in the organization. This research has also helped on developing my patience and improving my communication skills. I have learned how to become a keen observer of different situations in different times and manage the employees accordingly. This research has also taught me how to handle the organization and manage the em ployees in difficult times. This will help me in my future career as well as in completing the course successfully (Ho 2016). References Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Collis, J. and Hussey, R., 2013.Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave Macmillan. De Massis, A. and Kotlar, J., 2014. The case study method in family business research: Guidelines for qualitative scholarship.Journal of Family Business Strategy,5(1), pp.15-29. Hair, J.F., 2015.Essentials of business research methods. ME Sharpe. Ho, S.K., 2016. Keynote Paper: TQM Excellence Model for Lean Production Sustainable Organisational Development. Mellor, R.B., 2015. Modelling the value of external networks for knowledge realisation, innovation, organisational development and efficiency in SMEs.International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,6(1), pp.3-14. Meyer, K.E. and Peng, M.W., 2016. Theoretical foundations of emerging economy business research.Journal of International Business Studies,47(1), pp.3-22. Rana, N., Bansal, M. and Gupta, M.A., 2015. Organisational Development: A Paradigm.GLOBAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Sahay, M. and Sarkar, S., 2015. Way to Organisational DevelopmentInterpreting the Role of Spirituality Using System Dynamics.IIMS Journal of Management Science,6(1), pp.72-86. Wilson, J., 2014.Essentials of business research: A guide to doing your research project. Sage.